House Events

2011Performing Arts Competition  CHAMPIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Seacole...You were amazing! I have never been as proud of my house as I was last night. I can't quite believe how lucky I am to have such a wonderful group of students willing to give SO much!
You truely are fantastic!
A special Thank You to our Captains:Sohail, Frances, Aweys,  Maruf, Faarah, Abdul, Egil & Zoheb.
Also the wonderful Miss Aspinall for all her support too.
Miss Wilding xxx

MASSIVE well done for such a brilliant team effort Seacole!
For all those who played and those loyal
supporters, you have really made me a very, very proud House mama!
A special Thank You goes to
our Sports Captain Heather for all her hard work and getting us through!
Thank You  Miss Wilding:-)

Proud Public Seacole Speakers! 
 An excellent effort was put into the Public Speaking event this term! All teams delivered their speeches wonderfully and did Seacole proud. A BIG Thank You to Munira our P.S House Captain and Miss Aspinall for all their support.

 Seacole Cake sale for Miss Poole                
This term Seacole House have had the pleasure of supporting St Catherine’s Hospice. This worthy Charity is incredibly important to one of our very own Seacolian teachers; Miss Roz Poole, who has given herself a target of raising £1,400 for them by running the London Marathon. Being Seacole House we decided she was not going to do it alone and have already raised a fantastic £172.43 by having a cake Sale. This was organised by the Yr 10&11 Prefects and students from all years supported by making cakes themselves and helping on the store. We are now  planning a fun run and other small events in order to reach that target!